
The final phase in the 绩效管理 at DU program is the year-end performance review. This is accomplished by providing ratings 和 evidence for the first two sections — job 目标 和 objectives 和 competencies — 和 by reviewing progress 和 accomplishments in the professional development plan.

2023-2024年员工绩效评估 到期 日期 







  • number-1-icon


    The employee self-review is your opport单位y to capture your accomplishments 和 rate yourself on your job 目标 和 objectives 和 competencies.

  • 图标2


    The manager review 和 employee meeting is the manager's opport单位y to acknowledge the employee's accomplishments throughout the year. 经理与员工召开绩效评估会议, 根据需要更新最终审查, 然后签字.

  • 图标3




1. 工作目标

  • 60%
  • 使用五点 评定量表 对于每个工作目标和目的.
  • 使用有力、清晰的例子和证据来支持你的评级.

2. 能力

3. 专业发展计划

  • 没有信用评级
  • 花点时间庆祝一下今年所取得的成就!
  • 审查 progress toward the professional development plan that was outlined at the beginning of the year. 反思所做的努力, 目标完成了, 和 opport单位ies that might carry over into the next performance cycle.
  • Remember, this section is not rated 和 is intended to support the employee's development efforts.





  • 描述
    • 通过对自己的工作感到自豪来展示对质量的承诺, 追求卓越, 并提供最好的结果.
    • Completes work assignments thoroughly 和 in an accurate, prompt, 和 organized manner.
    • 识别和纠正错误.
    • 注重细节.
    • Looks for opport单位ies to improve outcomes 和 generate ideas for building process efficiencies.
    • 利用反馈来改进工作,并建立在以前的学习基础上.
    • 欢迎建设性的反馈并监督自己的工作以确保质量.
  • 例子
    • Actively seeks new ways of working to improve productivity 和 efficiency.
    • 制定并保持卓越的工作标准和期望.
    • 事实核查工作,并寻求输入,以达到最佳效果.
    • 开发和分享最佳实践.
    • Designs processes to anticipate problems 和 develop contingency plans.
    • 开发和维护监控工作质量的系统.
    • 生成并跟踪性能度量.



  • 描述
    • Contributes fresh ideas that provide solutions to the work in one's role or beyond, where relevant.
    • Identifies ways to stay current in one's role 和 to meet organizational needs.
    • Uses sound judgment to develop new insights into situations 和 applies different 和 novel solutions to make improvements.
    • Utilizes analytical 和 conceptual abilities to formulate a practical plan with positive impact.
    • 能超越眼前的当务之急,着眼未来.
    • 用创新的思维和方法挑战规范.
  • 例子
    • 主动寻找并承担额外的责任.
    • 有远见卓识并能付诸行动.
    • 提出改进工作的建议.
    • Shares unique 和 creative ideas that improve products, services, or processes.
    • 有助于创造一个培养创造力的环境.
    • 以明智的冒险来推动进步.



  • 描述
    • Demonstrates clear, timely, 和 consistent speaking, listening, 和 written communications.
    • 倾听并寻求澄清,清楚地回答问题.
    • Listens actively 和 communicates with others to build trusting relationships.
    • 书面沟通是清晰的, 语法正确, 有效的, 而且是相对于个人角色的需要和范围而言的.
    • 与机构的各个层面有效联系.
    • 培养联系和合作方式.
  • 例子
    • Data are presented accurately 和 presentations are clear 和 informative.
    • Effectively 和 consistently communicates the organization's strategy 和 operational 目标.
    • Helps develop 和 translate strategy into operational 目标 和 priorities.
    • 创建报告, 备忘录, 电子邮件, 以及其他必要的文书工作, 无错的, 而且是及时的.
    • 调整信息和语气,使听众能够理解.
    • 沟通时要有信誉和信心.
    • 直接、迅速、机智地解决问题.
    • 问问题以寻求清晰.



  • 描述
    • Reports to work regularly, on time, 和 is accountable during the workday.
    • Cooperates 和 interacts with employees inside 和 outside of the work 单位 contributing to improved operations.
    • 使个人努力与大学和单位目标保持一致.
    • 对工作负责,对结果负责.
    • 是否了解并遵守大学的政策和程序.
    • 通过履行承诺来建立信任和尊重.
    • 在最少的监督下完成任务和分配.
    • 承诺按时完成任务.
  • 例子
    • 展示工作方法和交付的一致性.
    • 建立跨组织和职能边界的关系.
    • 谨慎而机智地处理敏感信息和问题.
    • 对结果承担个人责任.
    • 根据正确的判断做出决定.
    • 树立你对自己和他人期望的行为榜样.
    • 履行承诺和协议.



  • 描述
    • Actively creates 和 supports an inclusive 和 equitable workplace by embedding Diversity, 股本, 包容, 将公正融入工作场所的方方面面.
    • 这可能包括政策, 程序, 培训, 任务, 值, 目标, 办公室氛围和文化, 与同事和同事的互动, 领导实践, 编程, 招聘, 市场营销, 评价, 促销活动, 以及其他工作场所维度.
  • 例子
    • Builds knowledge of 和 seeks improvement in areas of cultural awareness.
    • Seeks out opport单位ies to attend 和 join the diversity 和 inclusion efforts on campus, 比如事件, 培训, 研讨会, 类, 和委员会.
    • Demonstrates skills 和 behaviors on the job related to competencies learned in diversity 和 inclusion 培训.
    • 寻求并考虑不同于自己的人的观点.
    • Demonstrates a commitment to improving the climate for historically underrepresented constituencies, e.g., 有色人种, 残疾人士, 不同性取向的人, 性别表达, 和/或性别认同, 宗教, 新移民人口, 等.
    • 努力用技巧和敏感性处理分歧, 接受不同的想法和观点.
    • 为别人创造一个勇敢的空间,让他们做自己.
    • 确定招聘和留住代表性不足的员工的方法.


  • 特殊(4.5–5.0)

    Employee exceeds expectations by stepping well beyond the scope of their position description to deliver real change to the department, 单位, 或组织. The individual is an exceptional employee who achieves an unusually high level of performance relative to all assignments 和 objectives. The expectation is that this rating should reflect performance in the top 5% of all performers.

  • 高级(3.5–4.49)

    The employee is a critical member of the team with performance that is consistently above established expectations. The employee seeks improvement of self, office practices, team, 和/or department. The individual goes above 和 beyond what is expected to contribute to the success of the department or 单位.

  • 固体(2.5–3.49)

    The employee fully meets the established job expectations 和 is a reliable 和 solid performer. 员工通常表现良好,几乎不需要指导. The individual demonstrates initiative to meet the 目标 和 objectives of the position.

  • 开发(1.5–2.49)

    员工达到了部分工作期望,但不是全部. 个人需要支持和指导来完成任务. The employee generally performs at a minimum level of effort 和 improvement is needed to fully meet expectations. This rating may be given to a new employee who has yet to learn or master a specific skill. In this latter case, the rating reflects the employee's time in the position.

  • 不满意(1 - 1.49)

    The employee's performance generally fails to meet the established expectations or requires frequent supervision 和/or the redoing of work. 个人的表现没有达到预期的水平. Unacceptable job performance is due to the employee's lack of knowledge, skill, or effort.


浏览用户指南, 培训视频, 并支持材料完成绩效评估过程, 请浏览 资源 页面.
